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Rwanda Gorilla Permit 2024 – All you need to know

A Rwanda Gorilla Permit  is a special document mandatory for any tourist wishing for a 1 day gorilla trek Rwanda or even more through the dense forests of Rwanda to encounter mountain gorillas.

The republic of Rwanda is notably known for its mountain gorillas which are nestled within the Virunga mountains, volcanoes National park, offers a thrilling opportunity of observing different groups of these giant primates while in their habitats

Rwanda gorilla permit

A apart from being just a mere gate-pass allowing access to gorilla habitats in Rwanda, a Rwanda gorilla permit plays a very crucial role in conservation efforts of these endangered species. The revenue generated from it , a portion is channeled into maintenance of the national par, anti-poaching initiatives and to community development projects for those around the park.

This way, it will to ensure that gorilla trekking is conducted in a sustainable way, minimizing the impact that it would have caused to the mountain gorillas and their environment.`

Availability  and Costs of a Rwanda Gorilla Permit 

As the year 2024, a Rwanda gorilla permit commonly known as mountain gorilla trekking permit costs USD 1,500 for foreign residents. The price of the ticket might seem steep for the travelers but it is reflecting the high value placed on the conservation of these engendered species and the unique experience they offer while tracking them in their habitats.

A Rwanda gorilla permit cost for East African Community nationals is significantly lower  costing USD 500 per individual and for the citizens of Rwanda, it is reduced up to USD 200.

cost of Rwanda gorilla permit

A Rwanda gorilla permit is limited by the Rwanda Development Board with only 96 permits being issued per day to ensure minimal disturbance to the gorilla families which would affect their behavioral way.

Therefore, with this limited number, a travelers are advised to book their permits in advance most especially during the peak tourist seasons which often range from June to speedometer and December to February.

How to obtain a Rwanda Gorilla Permit

A Rwanda gorilla permit is only issued by Rwanda Development , the official body responsible for tourism and conservation in the country therefore you can directly purchase a gorilla permit through their offices or official website.

You can as well acquire a Rwanda gorilla  permit through a licensed tour operator offering comprehensive tour packages specifically to Rwanda as a tourist destination.

How to get prepared for a gorilla trek in Rwanda

First of all, you have to make sure that your gorilla trekking permit is secured. Then the rest will follow as described below;

Physical fitness: Gorilla trekking is a physically demanding adventurous activity as it involves a couple of hours hiking on different rugged terrains in the dense forests therefore a tourist planning to embark on this adventure is advised to be engaging in regular fitness activities  to get your body the required stamina and stability leading up to your trip.

Packing essentials: Appropriate gear and clothing are very essential when it comes to your gorilla trekking adventure in Rwanda. comfortable and light clothing, long-sleeved shirts and trousers  are recommended.

Pack a rain jacket, a water bottle, sun hat, sun glasses, sunscreen oils,  a pair of ankle touching hiking boots and insect repellents. Pack as well a good digital camera for capturing memorable moments while in the gorilla habitats.

Health precautions:  Tourists to the gorilla habitats should be aware of the health requirements  such as vaccinations and treatment of any illness that could be transmitted to the mountain gorillas.

It is also advised to carry a portable first aid kit just in case of any injuries during the trek and any necessary emergency personal medications with its prescriptions properly outlined on a piece of a paper.

A Rwanda Gorilla Trekking Experience.

On the day of your Trek, you will first be briefed at the park head quarters by an expert, a park guide, about what to expect , your way of conduct, how to get a successful trek , among others.

You will then be divided to groups of 8 individuals with each group assigned to  a specific gorilla family. With an armed ranger, a park guide and porters, you will follow the gorilla trails to the dense forests.

Rwanda gorilla trekking experience

A gorilla trek can last between 2-6hours depending on  how fast you have allocated your assigned gorilla family. You will maneuver through different challenging terrains on the hunt for these species.

But for a fast accurate tracking, a tracking team often goes to the park very early in the monitor to get the exact location of gorillas on that particular day, then they will inform the park head quarters so that the park guides in charge go knowing exactly where to find them.

Once you have encountered the gorilla family, you will spend a standard time of 1hour observing them and taking as much photography as you wish a advised by the tour guide.

A gorilla trekking experience is often described as humbling, exhilarating experience that provides a profound connection with one of humanity’s closest cousins.

When planning to embark on a gorilla trek in Rwanda, see it as more than just a mere wildlife adventure but rather a  journey into the heart of conservation efforts  aiming to protect some of the world’s most magnificent creatures.

Therefore by securing your gorilla trekking permit today, you are contributing to the conservation of these endangered creatures  and protecting the communities coexisting with them.

Prepare for your trek today having it in minds  that you are taking a step towards ensuring that these gorillas  continue to thrive in there natural habitats.

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