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Facts about a Silverback Gorilla | Rwanda Gorilla Tours 2025

A matured male gorilla is called a silverback gorilla because of the silver patch of hair it has on its back that comes with aging. A gorilla gets a silverback usually when it’s about 12 to 14 years of age. Its body gets larger and more strongly built with aging.

Facts about a Silverback Gorilla Rwanda Gorilla Tours 2024

Generally, a well-matured silverback can weigh about 430 pounds (195 kg) and is very strong more than other gorillas lifting about 800 kilograms of dead weight. A dominant silverback gorilla is the leader of a gorilla group.

There can be more than 1 silverback in a gorilla group for example 3 and they are ranked according to numbers with number 1 being the dominant, leader.

An average gorilla group can range from about 10 to 30 individual gorillas. A silverback, the head, its role is to provide it protection, make final decisions, control it, decide on where to feed from, and decide on who should stay or leave the group.

It is responsible for mating with females in that group, it decides on where they should nest, and defends it against intruders, among others.

A matured silverback in the group will either fight for the throne or leave the group peacefully to go and make its own. Luckily it might be followed by about 2 to 3 females which is a good number to start a gorilla group.

Through fights with other groups, it gets in its way, and it slowly adds up to its group by stealing females from other groups. Other gorillas can freely decide to join the group and exit it any time they feel it is not peaceful.

A gorilla group will continue to grow when females start breeding.  But a female gorilla reproduces once every 4 to 6 years, gestates for about 8 to 9 months, and usually produces one infant, which slowly adds To a group unless it has a lot of females.

The behavior of a gorilla group usually depends on its head, if the silverback is a calm and peaceful leader, peace will always be reflected in that group and vice verse.

When the head of the group dies, a group is most likely to get scattered with the females looking for protective males and hence join other groups. Or another silver back from that particular group can take over the throne peacefully or through challenges though it’s very rare.

How does a  silverback father its children

Baby gorillas love being very close to their fathers they will always look out for him to be included in their games. They can be observed very close to him most of the time. Playing on his body, sitting on his back, Leaning against him, among others.

How does a  silverback father its children

Just like humans, silverbacks are always there for their infants, most especially when the mom dies maybe because of a disease or poaching, they will always protect, defend,d and look out for their kids. This increases their chances of survival in the wild as unprotected infants are usually eaten by wild animals like leopards.

9 interesting Facts about the silverback gorilla of Rwanda

  • A well-matured and healthy silverback gorilla can weigh between 300 to 480 pounds((135 to 215 kilograms) and can stand up to a height of 5.5 to 6 feet / 1.7 to 1.8 meters tall when upright.
  • Silverback starts growing a patch of silver hair on their backs around 12 years of age.
  • They are very strong compared to the black-backs and can lift a weight that is very much heavier than their body weight.
  • They lead the groups of gorillas and each group on average can range from 10 to 30 individual gorillas inclusive of the infants.
  • A dominant silverback is responsible for protection, making final decisions, fighting intruders, mediates conflicts, mating with females, and discovering new food sources for the group, among others.
  • They communicate with different vocalizations, facial expressions, and body language. They roar, hoot, and grunt while in their habits with each vocalization holding a different message.
  • They are herbivores and animal species feeding mainly on fruits, leaves, stems, seeds, and occasionally on insects.
  • A silverback gorilla can live up to around 35 to 40 years and 50+ years in captivity.
  • Females usually give birth to one offspring every after 4 to 6 years and the infants are very much cared for by the silverback.
  • Its major threats include poaching, habitat destruction, and human diseases such as Ebola.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Silverback Gorillas:

1. What is a Silverback Gorilla?

A Silverback gorilla is an adult male gorilla that has reached maturity, typically around 12 years of age. They are called “silverback” because of the distinctive patch of silver or gray hair on their back, which is a sign of their maturity and leadership role in the gorilla group.

2. How big is a Silverback Gorilla?

Silverback gorillas are the largest of all primates. Adult male silverbacks can weigh between 300 to 485 pounds (136 to 220 kilograms) and stand about 5.5 to 5.9 feet (1.7 to 1.8 meters) tall when upright. They have a muscular build, with strong arms and hands.

3. What is the role of a Silverback in a gorilla group?

The Silverback is the leader of the gorilla group (troop) and plays a critical role in protecting and guiding the group. He is responsible for leading the group to food sources, making decisions about travel, and defending the group from potential threats, including predators or rival gorillas.

4. Are Silverback Gorillas aggressive?

Silverbacks are generally peaceful and gentle, especially with their family members. However, they can become aggressive if they feel their group is threatened. They have powerful displays of strength and can charge at threats to protect their family, but they typically avoid conflict unless necessary.

5. How long do Silverback Gorillas live?

Answer: In the wild, silverback gorillas live to around 35 to 40 years, although they can live longer in captivity. Their life expectancy can be impacted by factors such as habitat loss, poaching, and disease.

6. What do Silverback Gorillas eat?

Silverback gorillas are primarily herbivores and have a varied diet that includes leaves, stems, fruit, bamboo shoots, and tree bark. They occasionally eat small insects like ants and termites but do not consume meat.

7. How do Silverback Gorillas communicate?

Silverback gorillas communicate with a variety of vocalizations, gestures, and facial expressions. These include grunts, roars, and chest beats. The chest beat, in particular, is a form of communication to show dominance or to signal a warning to potential threats.

8. Do Silverback Gorillas have any predators?

Adult silverback gorillas have few natural predators due to their size and strength. However, young gorillas may be at risk from leopards or other large carnivores. Humans, through poaching and habitat destruction, are the biggest threats to gorillas overall.

9. How many females does a Silverback Gorilla have in his group?

A silverback gorilla typically leads a harem of females, with anywhere from two to ten females in his group. He mates with the females, and his dominant status ensures that he is the primary father of the offspring in the group.

10. Are Silverback Gorillas endangered?

Yes, silverback gorillas are critically endangered. Their populations are threatened by habitat loss, poaching, and disease. Conservation efforts, including habitat protection and eco-tourism, have helped slow their decline, but they still face significant risks.

11. What is the difference between a Silverback Gorilla and a younger gorilla?

The primary difference is the silver-colored hair on the back of a silverback, which signifies maturity and leadership. Younger gorillas, including juveniles and subadults, lack the silver patch and typically have darker fur. Male gorillas will become silverbacks once they mature, though some may not develop the silver hair if they do not attain leadership status.

12. Can Silverback Gorillas be trained?

While silverback gorillas can be trained to some extent in captivity, they are wild animals with unpredictable behaviors. In the wild, they are not domesticated, and their behaviors are instinctual and centered around their social structure and survival in the wild

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